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About me!

Hi, my name is Pauline. I'm from Central Europe. Big chow chow lover, owner of two. I hadn’t had any specific passions. I loved fashion and I’ve always wanted to become a model. I had a sketch book full of ideas and new designs. One day I saw a beautiful goldendoodle, she was dressed up in tutu, bandana and matching bow. I loved this combination! She looked so fashionable, and had this look like she knew that she was an icon! I wanted to try it with my pups. I bought a bandana for Utah, I was surprised she liked wearing it. She really enjoyed dressing up! I dressed her in my shirts and different jackets, made a picture of every outfit she worn. When the quarantine started I’ve decided to start making bows for dogs. After a few weeks I went to the local craft shop. They had so many beautiful fabrics, I just fell for them. I didn’t knew how to sew back then. So I went to my grandmas and asked her for help. At first it was hard for me to sew a straight line. But I tried! Made my first bandana and decided that I should make a website and start selling them. And now here I’m. I love what I do, I love choosing new fabrics, designing new bandanas. Without my lovely pups I would never think of starting making accessories. I’m so thankful for all the support I get from you guys. I hope this year won’t disappoint us! Be iconic wear Polonica Fashion!

- xo xo Polonica Fashion girl!